
Saint Augustine: On Genesis: Two Books on Genesis against the Manichees; and, on the Literal Interpretation of Genesis: An Unfinished Book is unavailable, but you can change that!

Augustine’s Two Books on Genesis against the Manichees and On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis: An Unfinished Book represent the first two of five explanations of the beginning of the Book of Genesis that he undertook between 388 and 418. In the first, a commentary on Genesis 1–3, Augustine counters the ignorant and impious attacks against Scripture by the Manichees, with whom he was a...

God and that he has made and created all the things that there are insofar as they are. Thus all of creation, whether intellectual or corporeal—or, as we can put it more briefly in the words of the divine Scriptures, whether invisible or visible4—has been made by God, not out of the nature of God, but out of nothing. Thus nothing of the Trinity is found in all of creation apart from the fact that the Trinity created it and it was created. Hence, we may not say or believe that the whole of creation
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